I don't know if it is just me, with my seemingly magnetic ability to attract idiots, but I don't have much luck with customer service types.
See my post on Dell. I rest my case.
Or I would rest my case, but I'm afraid I have to shake it into wakefulness for another round, this time concerning those ever-helpful bods at 3 Mobile.
Don't worry, it's not a longwinded rant. I'm really not cross about this one. Like Ron Burgundy when Baxter eats the cheese, I'm not angry. I'm impressed. With the sheer level of idiocy.
It's a quickie. And here it is:
My phone broke. This happens. I took it to the 3 shop (one of those ones in a Superdrug, where you can't tell if they are shop assistants or muggers, you know the ones). They sent it off on a three day repair on Monday. And credit to them, it came back into the shop, all shiny and fixed, today.
Of course, when I switched it on it went mental beeping away with hundreds of voicemails and texts from lots of terribly important people trying to get hold of me (it's a social whirl being me, it really is).
And here's the thing.
One of the messages was from 3.
Telling me my phone was ready for collection.
Let's see if we can spot the flaw in their logic, shall we?