And yes, I know that ^ is a CAT and not a BUNNY. But that's not the point.
The point IS, in a word, ROGER.
Y'see - you may've noticed that this blog's tagline is:
"Conversations we have had with Growdups".
Which is fine and good and all grand and wot not. However. Some things don't get reported that often.
A bit of background. Roger and I bonded over a love of killing Zombies. Killing Zombies is fun. Roger knows this. I know this.
Thusly we are friends.
Also - Roger and Me - aside from wandering Clapham Common of a night time, hunting the undead - we are also gamers.
I am a Nintendo boy through and through. Always have been, always will be. Roger is also a Ninty fan. However, we both love gaming as a whole, (although we both secretly hate the PS3 - it's a GEORGE FOREMAN GRILL... No Really!) and as such, owning other consoles are allowed.
Roger used to have an Xbox 360, in a previous life as it were, and this was fine and allowed and there was no problem with this whatsoever. However, when said life ended and new life was embarked upon, some things had to be left behind. Namely: Roger's 360-dom.
Not a problem.
I have Wii.
Roger haz Wii.
We both have Resident Evil 4 (aka - Resident Wii-vil - say it)
Life is good.
Roger decided she needed a new job.
Roger looked around for new job.
Fine also.
Roger got an interview for a new job.
Fine by me.
Roger gets into a conversation about gaming IN THE INTERVIEW
Fine. It happens.
Roger mentions that haz Wii, but misses her 360ness.
This is also Fine.
Roger says something like: "So yes. First pay packet? 360 all the way!"
Fine. Who wouldn't.
Roger (two days later) receives letter outlining 'benefits'.
Normal stuff, pensions, holidayz etc...
"as an additional welcome to the team we'd like to offer you an xbox 360 bundle of your choice, to the value of £300. Let us know which one you want and it'll be on your desk on your first day. Beats waiting till payday..."
"as an additional welcome to the team we'd like to offer you an xbox 360 bundle of your choice, to the value of £300. Let us know which one you want and it'll be on your desk on your first day. Beats waiting till payday..."
"as an additional welcome to the team we'd like to offer you an xbox 360 bundle of your choice, to the value of £300. Let us know which one you want and it'll be on your desk on your first day. Beats waiting till payday..."
A job interview! Nay, a job OFFER, that includes a freakin' XBOX 360 l33t as part of the welcome pack?!
Most people get forms to fill in, courses to go on, new laptops, crackberries etc etc...
I am not happy about this turn of events, as you can well imagine. Yes I love my Wii and yes, I am pleased that Roger has re-joined the ranks of the Wii-60ers out there.
But I am without such l33tness and I want an Xbox. I want one yesterday plskthxbai.
S'not fair. :(
Nice job! Can I have one like that please?
Stick it on Jaiku and let vodafone and nokia fight over who gets to buy it for you.
Xbox 360 is nothing to be happy about, I've got two sitting around, one collecting dust, the other is being used because of GTA IV, that will change once the George Foreman Grill (PS3) arrives.
Why have you got TWO 360s?!
That's even WORSE!
@Whatley, Normal and Premium version. I know it sucks, my brother is a doofus!
Dude. You sellin'?
@Whatley, not mine to sell to be honest. Was planning to trade for a PS3 and some cash on top, but it comes in handy when there is war between siblings. Different games wanting to be played at the same time etc..
"I am NOT a Happy Bunny!" - ha ha. i too like to play with this bunny.
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