A little off topic but I feel it needs to be said:
I hate Starbucks. I hate their nasty evil capitalist ways, their destruction of the high street, their multinational greed and those horrible, cynical new coffee loyalty cards they've just brought out. I hate the fact that I had to find a picture of a different sort of Starbuck (albeit a much cooler one) to put on this blog as if I used the logo they'd somehow find out then probably send armed baristas round to my house in the dead of night, bundle me into the Coffeemobile and lock me up in a small room being force-fed soya lattes for the remainder of my days.
I urge everyone reading this with any sense of decency to boycott these money-grabbing coffee-pushing Nazis and stand up for all that is fair and proper and decent.
Because if you all do...maybe it will make up for the fact that I just can't get enough of their Cheese & Marmite paninis.
Oh, and peppermint mochas. Hollow consumerism never tasted so good.
Hmmm - Peppermint Mochas.
I must admit I was tempted by the cheese and marmite panini this morning but plumped for the double chocolate muffin instead...
But now I have your recommendation - breakfast tomorrow is SORTED.
Ok -
I am officially NOT HAPPY.
I tried the aforementioned bread based product this morning and there is NOWHERE NEAR enough Marmite in it!
It's like a cheese toastie with a smattering... a hint... a hidden agenda of Marmite.
Mr W
I am sorry you have had a bad experience with a cheese and marmite panini from the Nazi Coffee Camp. I fear that perhaps in Fulham they are used to posh, Chelsea types who cannot handle their Marmite. I would suggest you log a complaint but the Ninja baristas may come after you.
The Marmite Police.
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